Saturday, August 1, 2020

Most Overrated Movies

Most Overrated Movies

Careful, you may be offended by what you read.

Shawshank Redemption-

No question, the Shawshank redemption is the most overrated movie of all time. It has been heralded as a classic and is ranked number 1 on the IMDB poll. But the big question is Why? This is a decent film with good performances, a mediocre script and contrived directing. What exactly makes people think this is such a classic? What is it? Please, tell me. Explain it to me. I want to know.


Terrence Malick Movies-

Badlands is good. Days of Heaven is a very long movie which goes nowhere for me. The thin Red Line is an interesting film but certainly not better than Apocalypse Now or even Platoon. And then there's Tree of Life, which is just a meandering film that believes it's trying to say more than it actually does. Which is my overall critisicm of Malick.


Here’s another one that people will discredit me for. But I’m sorry, I don’t buy any of the film. First off, Jimmy Stewart is like 60 years old in this film and yet he’s playing like twenty five. And the whole thing with the girl is just silly. Rear Window, Psycho, North by Northwest, Strangers on a train, Lady vanishes, Birds… they’re all better than this film. But best film of all time by sight and sound poll? So where does the adoration come from? Marty, please fill me in.


As far as Coen brothers movies, this isn’t even close to the top. And the TV show was better.


There Will Be Blood-

TWBB has a lot going for it.  A great director, a brilliant actor, an interesting plot, nice cinematography. It’s all there. And the film is rather good up till about the two hour mark. And then things go way downhill. First off, the killing of Daniel Plainviews brother makes no sense. I understand, Plainview is a bad man. But he’s a murderer too? It made no sense why the character needed to go that far. But wait… it doessn’t end there. The last part of the film is completely idiotic. It changes the entire tone of the film and not in a good way. You have watched a gritty drama for two and a half hours and suddenly the movie becomes a slapstick comedy? How high was PT when he came up with that? And yeah, you can give me the whole parable of the decay of capitalism, but a  horrible third act literally negates this entire film.


Citizen Kane-

Okay, I know it’s hard to bash Citizen Kane. So here I go. No doubt, it changed Hollywood filmmaking and it is a great film. But the best of all time? Really? There just aren’t enough great characters in it to make me feel like it’s the best. Casablanca is better. Better screenplay. Better characters. Better plot. The Godfather is better than Citizen Kane. Most Kubrick films are better than Citizen Kane.


The Departed-

The Departed is not a bad film. In fact, it’s a good film. But best picture of 2008? Considered one of the best Scorsese films? You gotta be kidding me. First off, it’s not even as good as the film it remakes (infernal Affairs). Secondly, it  is so light. It has absolutely nothing to say about anything. Okay, it’s got some clever plot twsits. But who cares? You don’t really get that invested in any of the characters. And we’ve seen the same violent cops and robbers shtick a millions times before and done better in other films (Heat comes to mind). And do I really need to mention the other films this guy has directed?

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